Thursday, November 30, 2006

Finally back online!

Hey ho...what an adventure! I don't know where to start in writing about the last 2+ months. It has been a rollercoaster ride, that's for sure. At the highest points, I felt connected to the land and sea around me, old friends and family. I delighted in the joy my children and I felt when exploring the area and in simple pleasures. At the lowest points, I walked a dark line. I cried, I yelled and I almost broke. One day I walked into a health food store looking for some soap, but instead, something made me ask for something to help with stress. It turns out that the lady I was talking to was a naturopath and she made me a special tonic that has helped unbelievably.

There was so much to do and deal with. Deciding on what area to settle in, a house, a car, which phone company, where to buy furniture, food, insurance, etc. Interviewing for the school. Dealing with hassles regarding the car I bought and the A/C that didn't work. Dealing with the phone company when the phone line didn't get put in when it was supposed to. Taking care of 3 children. Catching up with some of the people we hadn't seen for years. Health issues, family dramas and so much more.

I would have liked to have the internet earlier to connect with the life I'd left behind. But I guess not having it forced us to adapt mentally much faster to our new life. I found support in new (and old) friends instead of relying on friends in the USA.

Things now are settling down. We are all very happy with this area. To say Sami loves her school would be an understatement. It is the right fit for her right now. She is thriving. She loves the rhythm, the people, the environment. She was in a class play last week that performed for parents and the school. She was beaming the whole time. She's learning to play the recorder, to speak Indonesian, all kinds of crafts. She's really enjoying reading and math now too. In some ways, I'm a little sad that she didn't react like this when we were unschooling, but really, I'm so happy to see her loving this. She is so content and has mellowed within herself. She has lots of friends, has had playdates and sleepovers and been to birthday parties. Her teacher is lovely. Sami decided that she wanted to learn tennis so she's been taking lessons one afternoon per week and loves that too. She has really bonded to the females in my family. It's a beautiful thing.
AJ is enjoying all the different bugs and birds and lizards and crabs around here. He goes to preschool 3 days a week at the same school ( and enjoys it. I go to a playgroup with both boys at the school one morning a week which is just lovely.

This place feels like home to me. It is soothing to my soul. I love looking out at the water and the lush green hills. The people are friendly, the birds are singing and chattering, the frogs croak, the weather is exciting and it feels so good to be here.

Cary will be here next week. I hope he loves it here as much as I do.