We affectionately call our camper "big girl" because she is pretty big compared to the other camper we had.
As you walk in, the kitchen area is immediately to the left. We don't cook inside, to the oven serves as an extra storage area.
The master bedroom is at the front of the van, there is a couch across from the kitchen, in the slideout. The couch converts to a double bed which is where Nicholas likes to sleep.
Next to the couch is a dining table which has become the computer station.
Next to the TV is the doorway to the bunkhouse. Across from the dining table is the bathroom.
AJ fell out of his top bunk one night so we put a rail up there. Summer likes the privacy curtain we put up for her. There are two other bunks to the right of this picture. They are used as shelving for the kids clothes, books, toys etc.
The bathroom has a toilet, sink, bench, cupboard, shower/bath. We don't use the shower/bath because the amenities at the campground we are at are good, and we have set up our rats in the bath. When they were little, we only had the blue and white cage, but then I found the black cage at a garage sale ($10!!). The black cage is sitting on a box in the bathtub which we call the basement, then they have the 3-level main house, and the 2-level penthouse. We often leave the doors open so they can roam. They don't try and get out of their area and it gives them a good deal of exercise. We also take them out into the main area of the caravan for a bigger run, or up to the beach where they like to dig in the sand!

The white one is AJ's rat, her name is Rosie. The black and white one is Nicholas' and her name is Ratsta. They are so sweet! I never thought I'd like them as much as I do. Ratsta was sick a few days ago, breathing fast and not eating or drinking. We gently syringed some water into her mouth, gave her Reiki and I put a chunk of Rose quartz in the cage next to where she was liking to sleep. It all helped and the next day she was starting to eat and drink again, though she has still been a bit slower than normal.
We like to cook, eat and hang out in the outdoor area. It's cooler out there than it is in the van. Plus it's very social as we chat to everyone walking along the road out the front of us.
It's a good life!