Sunday, June 14, 2015

Move aside .. Free Spirit Life...

I like blogging.  I don't do it often, but I enjoy it.  I like it so much that I created a bunch of different blogs for my different interests...including Spirituality, Reiki, the search for Peace, and Health.  I like setting up a new blog, the designing and the whole excitement that comes with a new project.  But that wears off.  Then I find myself with a list of blogs and starting to feel that I "should" do something with all of them.

As this blog is my main one, I'm just going to lump it all in here.  Simplifying my creative mess into one random, 'free-spirited', jumble of ramblings.  I might transport some of the posts from other blogs into this one, so I can close them down.  I'm also changing the name of this blog from 'Free Spirit Life' that it has been for the past 10 years, to simply Annette Love.

The term "free spirit" can mean different things to different people, some people associate it with the hippie, free-love, bohemians / artists.  But there's a whole other side...

* It's the quiet ones (or the loud ones or any in-between) that are true to themselves, however that presents in the moment.  Even if it's totally different from one day to the next.  It's not being afraid to live that truth whether it's the way you dress, or what you listen to, or the people you hang with.   It's being comfortable with going with "your" flow.

* It's about not getting attached to any one particular way of thinking or doing or being.

* It's about experimenting and following inspiration and taking chances.

* It's about letting go of the things that hold you back from pursuing passions.  Not just physical letting go, but also that of the mind - conditionings and patterns that block you and keep you thinking small.

* It's about respecting other people's rights to live how they want, without imposing your own beliefs on them.

* It's about living in the moment, making the most of Now... really feeling it and being present.  Connecting to life more deeply and feeling the Joy of authentic alignment.

Those interpretations of a 'Free Spirit' will always ring true for me, but I'm also much, much more!  Letting go of that name is liberating, and it gives me a focus on one place, instead of scattering bits of me all over the place.   So I'll be putting more of 'me' in here.  My life, family, love, health, food, journey.

I like this outlet.  Writing helps me process and clarify stuff that's going on for me.  Maybe I've said the same thing over and over in here, but maybe I needed to.  I like to think that overall, I'm evolving.   I do feel a deeper strength emerging within me.  I like it!


Anonymous said...

Hey Annette, I love your new blog name. Somehow it feels stronger and more earthy... maybe one day, you’ll puff and go huff! ;)
Many blessings,

Annette said...

Thanks Nic! I Love my Love name!!
Lots of love to You my beautiful friend!
