Monday, September 27, 2010


I opened up an email with the subject line "Personal Development Insights #27"....and the content was blank.  I laughed and thought how appropriate it was!  I was expecting another long, wordy email sprinkled with cliches and anecdotes.  But, due to a little glitch in my server at the time, I got a blank email.  It reminded me that the only 'Personal Development Insight' will not be found in someone else's words, but in my own life.    Of course, I knew's just so fun to be reminded of it with little gifts from the Universe, even over the internet.

The original email did eventually appear another time when I was scrolling through my inbox....but I didn't read it,  I just smiled and remembered how strong I am.


~Tara said...

"but I didn't read it, I just smiled and remembered how strong I am. "

LOVE that line. :)

Rynalee said...

Love it! I know I can get very hung up on reading stuff like that; what a great reminder that the answers are often within myself! I just need to stop and listen.

Monica said...

lmao, that's too funny.

others words and insights can trigger magic in ourselves. we are of course a connected web of humaness. but yeah, our own souls know all there is to know. we need more blank emails.