My entire life I've had the feeling that 'Everything I needed would be provided'. Mostly as a kid I wanted freedom. I valued time exploring and creating - building cubby houses and playing games in the bush near our house, feeling the freedom of playing in the water of the creek or lake or beach near us. There were also some material things I wanted - candy / lollies which I always seemed to find a few coins for; a particular doll I wanted that I was given for Christmas; a pair of striped socks that I saw and loved and received soon after. I can't think of any thing that I had wanted as a child, that I did not receive. I think that is because my main focus was on feeling free and as long as I could fill myself up on that, which I did every day after school and most of the weekend, my life felt as though it was all it could be with the limitations I knew I had to live within at the time.
Looking back, I can see how my thoughts also attracted things I did not want. At school when the head nun came into the room, I would slink down in my chair thinking "please don't pick on me today"..which of course she did because I was so focused on her picking on me, rather than my thoughts centered in being safe.
As I reached my teens, I had a new focus - boys. When I set my sights on a guy, he would almost always become interested in me. It was a very powerful feeling!
Fast forward some years and I did start becoming much more aware of the connection between my thoughts and my reality. From my late teens I started reading inspiring books that spoke about that, but it took some time to really 'get' it. In recent years, the movie 'The Secret' has inspired a lot of people to learn about 'The Law of Attraction' (LOA). Maybe I should say 'remember' about LOA because I feel that it is something we do already know, we just forgot, or it got covered over with mainstream conditionings. You know...all of the rules and regulations that come with being a 'good' boy or girl.
I've been able to manifest a lot of things and people and experiences that I have desired in my life...I had the desire, and then released my attachment to that desire and life has flowed to me. Sometimes I've felt stuck and frustrated that something is not happening, or not happening quickly enough...then I've realised that I am too attached to that and maybe, there will be a more magnificent expression of that desire show up. Like the time when we had packed up the house and were loading the truck to move to Sedona...yay, finally getting out of Las Vegas!...when suddenly the business deal we were moving there for, fell apart. I felt sick and allowed myself to wallow in that for a couple of days before deciding that there must be a good reason. Several months later we were packing to move to Australia!!
I want my children to remember how powerful they they can manifest things and people and experiences by the way they use their thoughts. So we played with making Vision Boards. (When you get a piece of cardboard or paper or a corkboard or some kind of flat surface, and attach pictures of things you want to have, do or be.) We went to the op shop and got a big pile of assorted magazines and started tearing or cutting out anything that just spoke to us, we didn't have to figure out why. We also used some catalogues from various stores that we had collected. Once we had a big pile of pictures and words, we sorted through those to find the ones that spoke to us the most. I thought this would be a pretty easy exercise, mostly for the kids...but I really got into it! I immersed myself in it and enjoyed making a picture of what is important in my life.
Summer has a few pictures of places she'd like to travel to, a phone she'd like, some fashion items, a picture of some money and the words Harmony, Healing, Happiness, Confidence, Power, Sunshine and 'The Power of Positive Thinking'. AJ is still working on his big pile. Nicholas pasted several pictures of young boys in stylish clothes, boys shoes, some lego and a couple of other toys, and three pictures of guys surfing. He has been saying for months that he wants a surfboard and wants to learn how to surf. ...It's big clean-up time around here at the moment and people have been putting all of their big rubbish next to the gutters for collection. Walking home from the beach the other day, we found TWO surfboards in a throw-out pile! Powerful stuff!
My own vision board:
Most things I already have, a few I'd like to add into my life - more yoga and gardening, a newer car and some places I'd like to travel to and to 'feel amazing'. Looking at this many times a day (I taped it to my kitchen window), I know that I am already working on attracting those things into my life. Seeing the words of the things I already have, like Family and Magical Kids, just reminds of of how much I appreciate those things. Seeing some of the other pictures and words like Play and Flowing help me to remember to maintain and grow those aspects of myself. The picture in the bottom right hand side is of a lady who had lost a leg in a car accident and had survived breast cancer. Peggy Leggit sent over the trike and camper from the UK and came over here to travel around Australia, towing the tiny camper behind her. To me, she symbolised courage and freedom and determination and living a full life. And for me, that's what it's all about!