Friday, February 26, 2010


We have a few more days of summer left. Earlier this week it was very warm with really high humidity. The day after, it had turned into the middle of autumn already. A couple of weeks ago I started grieving the end of summer. I felt like we had not been swimming and playing outside as much as I would have liked...partly because of the rain, and partly because of being tied up with business stuff. But I can't change that now.

I found a streak of grey in my hair, and I realised there is a similar lesson. I just need to accept the passing of the season. I still consider myself young, but need to accept that I'm moving into my autumn phase. Fighting it, trying to go against it, is futile. By accepting it, I can move forward, gracefully.


Tara W. said...

call me crazy but i'm really looking forward to gray hair, especially if it's a streak. i don't know why, i just love it. i found a gray hair on justin the other day and practically pouted about not having my own; he of course offered me his. ;)

a quote for you:

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. ~George Santayana

Annette said...

Thanks Tara! I don't mind a few streaks, not sure how I'm going to be when it's all grey. I think I have a bit of time to get used to that thought though.

I'm sure you'll have your own grey one day! :-)