Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Here we go again...

..I've done this before and it is much easier this time.  But every now and again, I have to stop and process the changes.  It's like I have a moment of doubt, or I get overwhelmed by the tasks ahead, or both.  Yes, we are drastically downsizing (again!).  An extended overseas trip is looking like the most probable path at this stage.  We are decluttering with that goal in mind, so we are getting rid of a LOT of stuff.  The piles around the house have stirred up the energy around here - we are all excited, but at times a little nervous or unsure or downright panicked!  Underlying all of those things, it feels good to have such a massive clean up.

There are so many things that I am just not attached to in this house.  When we did the big move from the USA to Australia over 4 years ago, I found it very hard to sort through my books.  I had a six-shelf bookshelf full of books on parenting, nutrition, spirituality, natural health and healing. Going through those books was like trying to figure out who I really was as I had to pick just 10 books to bring with me. (We had decided not to ship the whole house and to stick to absolutely favourite things.)  I almost felt like I was letting go of untapped parts of me as I let go of those books.  I now see that as crazy as it actually freed me to discover a new dimension of JOY! I learned to trust myself more as the authority in my own life - not any author or 'guru'.  I found that the books I had brought with me, I rarely even looked at!  I was so busy with the adventure of life and discovering the new place and new parts of myself  that I had to laugh at myself for being so attached to some books.  That process helped me so much with questioning my attachment to things.  Well, that and living on the road for a year - that sealed the lesson!

I still have some books, and some of the books that I had let go of in the USA actually came back to me here via op shops, or gifts.  When I release my books this time, I know that the lessons that may be contained in those books for me, will come back to me if I need them.  Maybe in a conversation, a bumper sticker, a quote on facebook or even the same book at a yard sale.  Maybe I don't even need these books, but I will release them at the right time, in the right place for someone who does need them, and trust that they will find them.

It's not just books, but the other 'stuff'.  My sister has kindly offered to store our photos and some favourite things at her home (thank you SO much Ros!), which makes packing and sorting so much easier.  I know we'll be back to visit and the kids will have some favourite things here waiting for them to play with when they get here.

Our departure date is not set.  We still have several months here at least.  AJ has asked that we be back in the USA by 4th July as he wants to buy a lot of fireworks!  Cary will be going back there in April, and the kids and I will probably do some traveling in Oz before we go.   Many new adventures waiting for us! 


janice said...

i really like what you say here about letting go of those books, recently i was looking at my books, they are like old friends that represent parts of my life. thanks for sharing!

back to the usa? for how long and where? las vegas?

Annette said...

Yeah...Vegas baby! To start with, then some traveling in the usa and maybe south America after that. Well, that's the rough plan for now, ..things change but we're open and flowing with what feels best for everyone.

Would love to catch up over there!

Miranda said...

I tried to post this back when you first put this post up, but blogger wouldn't let it go through. Anyhoo, I hope you plan to come visit The Alice before you go! I can't move all the way there only to find you've come back here. :-( We'll be there April 1st. Oh, and I just spent time with my books, sorting them out today. I let a lot go, more than I thought I could.

Miranda said...

Oops, forgot to say that I hope you guys are not floating away right now! Just so you know we have been thinking of you all recently. Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

How exciting - another adventure! :)
All I could think about when I read this was 'synchronicity' because yesterday I just went through my bookcase and have a huge box to give to flood affected people. It felt great to no longer cling to the idea that my identity was in those books. As you say - our lessons present themselves in assorted ways if only we are willing to see them. Have fun!

Annette said...

Awesome Mrs H & Miranda!

Miranda...we would love to meet up with y'all in Oz!