Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Write, right?

Feeling overwhelmed, underwhelmed, wanting more, needing less.  

So much time in between posts here.  

In between the busy, I’m trying to find me again.  Where did I go?  

Feeling so stressed, so tired, so drained by the end of the day that I sit on the floor and watch some easy entertaining on the big black box.  

Tick tock....another day goes by, another week, month and year.  

Have I grown?  Or have I continued to flounder along?  Am I expecting too much of myself?

Has my identity been relegated to Mom / Wife / Daughter / Sister / etc?

What do I expect of myself?  What would I like my identity to be (besides those above?). 

Hmm, ... I think that I expect that I should have a bigger impact on the world.  That I “should” be doing more of something for the greater good.   I know...I’m shoulding on myself.  So maybe there’s something a bit deeper. ...

I want to be authentically me.  
I want deeper connections.
I want to help others on their healing journey, whether that’s through sharing a deep conversation, or a Reiki session, or a massage, or teaching yoga.  All of that resonates with me.

On another long solo drive to visit my terminally-ill mum,  I was pondering all of this.  I was thinking of what I could do to feel like I was staying in touch with myself, in between my necessary focus on some major things happening in my family.  

Write.  That’s what I heard in my mind.  

I’ve written hundreds of blog posts in my head in the past few years.  Time to go public again.  Time to make the time to share.  Right?  

Maybe my words can help someone else to not feel so alone, to feel more connected, to help to find their joy.  Or maybe they won’t.  

I need to stop doubting myself.  In between all of the other things, and the yoga, and the conversations etc, I just need to write.

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