I look around facebook every few days or so. I see the things that my friends post and sometimes I think "wow...good for them...they are doing something amazing". But then I thought about some of the highlights of my own 46 years...
* I grew up around the Sydney beaches; going to school across the road from the beach; I've wandered around Sydney city too many times to try and count, been to Luna Park, the Opera House, crossed "the" bridge, even helped on an archaelogical dig in one of the old buildings; caught the Manly Ferry so many times; swam for hours at the beautiful beaches and...it was a great place for my childhood. I used to feel so safe and confident getting around the place...it was "my" town...for 14 years.
* I've lived in Canberra, and have seen all of the interesting sights there, but my favourites were the colours of the trees in the Fall, and the river to swim in during the summer.
* I've climbed Australia's highest mountain.
* I've swam at the Great Barrier Reef more times than I can remember.
* I lived on a tropical island!!
* I've had several of my own businesses, doing things I really loved at the time.
* I've lived in the USA..I sat on the steps of the Lincoln memorial, gazing out at the Mall; seen the cherry blossoms and many of the other sights of DC; lived on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay; lived just outside of Las Vegas, going to The Strip and Hoover Dam countless times.
* I've loved and lost and won and grown and stretched and had amazing, wonderful, beautiful people around me.
* The biggest highlights would have to be my husband and my three amazing children...this is the path that I am most proud of!